Time & Location
Feb 09, 2021, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
About the Event
Join Women of the Woods for a Zoom* program to about the practice of sit spot and how you can tune in to the nature where you live and get the benefits of relaxed time in nature. The essesnce of sit spot is sitting quietly outside and focusing on being present in the natural world. A sit spot can be somewhere you sit one time on a hike or you can choose a place near where you live and visit it regularly. The practice of having a sit spot is a great way to reduce your stress and to learn about your nature neighbors. It is the easiest way to deepen your relationship wiith the natural world.
This program is part of our Women of the Woods (WoW) programing and is meant for women or female identifying people only, please.
At this WoW program, we will "circle up" via Zoom to chat about what we have been noticing in nature and Lucy will briefly explain more about sit spots. After a short sensory meditation, Lucy will send you off to have a sit spot near where you live (or even inside looking out a window). We will then gather via zoom to chat about our experiences.
Please register and you will be sent the Zoom link and additional details.
If you have been to program or two, please consider making a donation to Everyone Outside. Suggested donation $5 per Sit Spot program. We depend on donations from people like you to make our programs possible. Click here for more information on ways you can donate to Everyone Outside. Your donations keep our programs affordable and provide funding for scholarships for our other nature connection programs. Your donation is greatly appreciated! Women of the Woods is supported, in part, by a grant from the Community Foundation of Middlesex County's Sari Rosenbaum Fund for Women and Girls
*If you have not used Zoom before, Lucy can send you detailed directions and be available if you have questions.