Frequently-Asked Questions:
General Information/Policies for Everyone Outside Programs:
How do I login to my Active account to make a tuition payment?
The link to the Active account you created when you registered your child for camp is in the confirmation email you were automatically sent after registration.
You may also access it here: https://campsself.active.com/everyoneoutside
Use this link to access your program registration account to both pay your tuition balance and submit required forms.
Cancellation/tuition refund policy:
If you must cancel, please provide at least 30 days notice. Cancellations received 30 days or more before the first day a program begins, will receive a full refund less each session's tuition deposit.
If you cancel from 7 days to 30 days prior to a program, you will receive 50% program credit (transferable between participants in your family and valid for one year), less your non-refundable tuition deposit. Cancellation within 7 days prior to the first day of a program will result in no credit and no refund unless accompanied by a doctor's note indicating illness.
Cancellations due to illness are handled on a case by case basis and are at the full discretion of Everyone Outside. We are not able to provide refunds for program days shortened or canceled due to dangerous weather conditions. Our instructors design programming, gather materials, and commit themselves for the day, regardless of whether mother nature sends a big storm our way. By supporting the work we do even when nature has other plans, you are valuing the time and labor of our instructors in making our high-quality programming possible.
Financial Aid:
We are committed to doing our utmost to not turn anyone away based on their current financial situation. In addition to financial assistance through our sliding-scale fee structure, we have a limited amount of additional financial aid that we can offer to those who cannot afford to pay the lowest available tuition tier of the sliding scale.
As you consider how much you can afford, remember that a payment plan is available. Before you request financial aid we ask families to consider if there are family members or friends who might help provide a scholarship to your family for this program.
Individual and family cap on program financial aid:
If you select a tuition from our sliding scale (or are offered an even lower tuition through the additional aid application process) that is below the full program cost, the difference represents the amount of financial aid you are receiving to attend the program.
The amount of financial aid we can offer each child/family in one calendar year is: $600 per child; $1,800 per family
This is our current policy, but we reserve the right to take individual circumstances into account. We are working to increase our availability of financial aid and hope to raise these limits in the future.
How do I request additional financial aid beyond the offered sliding scale?
1. On the registration form: In the session tuition section, select the option to pay only the registration deposit and indicate that you intend to apply for addl. financial aid.
2. On the registration form, click the box "Yes, I would like to request additional financial aid" and answer the questions.
3. Complete your registration and pay the applicable registration deposit to hold your child's spot in the program.
4. After these steps are complete, we will review your financial aid request and contact you with the amount we are able to offer you. After you agree to the amount offered, we will edit your account to reflect the amount of aid awarded internally and you will receive an email confirmation of the updated program balance.
When will I be notified about my request for addl. financial aid?
We will notify registered participants about the additional financial aid we are able to provide within 2 weeks of receiving your registration form. If you accept our financial aid offer, our office will adjust your remaining balance due based on your financial aid award. If the amount of financial aid we are able to offer you is still not enough for your child to be able to attend your selected program, we will refund your tuition deposit.
Why do you offer a monetary BIPOC Acknowledgement?
Summer Camp Information/Policies:
Which health records should I submit?
As a youth camp licensed by the State of CT, we are required to collect health information ( including vaccination records ) from your child’s doctor. The following forms are acceptable:
either: State of Connecticut Department of Education Health Assessment Record Instructions: Complete Part 1 and have your doctor complete the remaining sections. Once this form is complete, please scan with your phone or computer and upload it to your active account.
or: Youth Camp Health Exam Record (This one must be accompanied by an additional copy of your child’s vaccine record as it is not already a part of the form.)
For those who need it: Vaccine Exemption Form (For children claiming a religious exemption to the submission of vaccine records.)