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A Fall Full of Fun! With Rockfall Nature Explorers

Brianna Boirie

This past fall was full of adventure at Rockfall Nature Explorers. The sun was warm and welcomed us outside each Thursday as it quickly became one of our favorite days of the week. We were joined by an energetic, excited, and curious group of kids who were always ready to explore what nature had in store for us that day. Our group of nature enthusiasts and professional wanderers continuously found new ways to connect with nature and enjoy the environment around them. It was exciting to find and learn about new things each program and watch as curiosity grew throughout the season. Each program was full of different sights, activities, and adventure.

We spent time hiking the trails while finding frogs and catching tadpoles along the way. We learned about trail markings and how to read a map. During our hikes we’d stop to explore the nearby scenery. We stumbled upon waterfalls, cool trees, a stream, and got to watch the woods change as the season progressed. The program started with lush greenery turning into bright colorful leaves that slowly began to fall until all the trees were bare. Each stage brought more to explore!

When we weren’t hiking, we would spend time off-trail at our “Secret Spot” where imaginations flourished as we began to build a “town” completely out of the nature around us. Group members came up with ideas of things they wanted to make and how to work together to build them. We spent time gathering sticks, leaves, and whatever else we could find to construct awesome stick houses and other structures over the course of the program. The “Secret Spot” became a familiar and special place that grew with us throughout the fall.

We had so much fun and each day was a new adventure! Together we went on a treasure hunt and even created maps in search of the elements. On our hikes we avoided imaginative floods, tornadoes, and camouflaged into our surroundings. We learned about invasive species, how to identify them, and how to remove them. We even went on kid led hikes! This fall we learned so much about the natural world and each other! We saw amazing friendships form and a deeper fascination with the outdoors develop. We can’t wait to keep on exploring!

Rockfall Nature Explorers is a weekly program that starts at Memorial School in Middlefield, CT. To learn when the next session starts, click here.


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